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  • Listing category Art > Malagasy > Carving

Roan-Jato Ariary (1000 Francs)
Roan-Jato Ariary (1000 Francs): Banky Foiben'i Madagasikara [200 Ariary (1000 Fran...

10000 Francs (Roa Arivo Ariary)
10000 Francs (Roa Arivo Ariary): Banky Foiben'i Madagasikara [10000 Francs (2000 A...

Roapolo Ariary / 100 Francs
Roapolo Ariary / 100 Francs [Twenty Ariary]

Zahay Zafimaniry
Zahay Zafimaniry: Nous, Zafimaniry / We, Zafimaniry

Revue de Madagascar
Revue de Madagascar: Nouvelle Série: No 35: Troisième Trimestre 1966 [Madagascar...

Ariary Zato / 500 Francs
Ariary Zato / 500 Francs [One Hundred Ariary]

GEO: Das neue Bild der Erde
GEO: Das neue Bild der Erde: Nr. 1, Januar 1979 [GEO: The new picture of the Earth...

Le Village Leaflet
Le Village Leaflet: Maquettes de Bateaux [Le Village: Model Boats]

Art Traditionnel Malgache
Art Traditionnel Malgache: Introduction à une Exposition [Traditional Malagasy Ar...

Le Village Leaflet
Le Village Leaflet: Fabrication, Exportation de Maquettes de Bateaux [Le Village: ...

Roan-Jato Ariary (1000 Francs)
Roan-Jato Ariary (1000 Francs): Banky Foiben'i Madagasikara [200 Ariary (1000 Fran...

Malagasy handicrafts market with items made from zebu horn
Malagasy handicrafts market with items made from zebu horn

Greetings card featuring aloalo on tomb
Greetings card featuring aloalo on tomb

Sakalava Combs: 150-Franc (30-Ariary) Postage Stamp
Sakalava Combs: 150-Franc (30-Ariary) Postage Stamp

51.384 Afrique: Madagascar: Pays Sakalave: Poteau commémoratif (bois)
51.384 Afrique: Madagascar: Pays Sakalave: Poteau commémoratif (bois)

Sakalava Pipe: 70-Franc (14-Ariary) Postage Stamp
Sakalava Pipe: 70-Franc (14-Ariary) Postage Stamp

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