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Front Cover
The Great Island: Madagascar: Past and Present
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Author: Harold Arthur Ridgwell.
Language: English
No. of Pages: 111 + 7 b&w plates
Dimensions: 123mm x 183mm x 15mm

Item Identification Code (UID#): 106
Shelving Location: Religion & Missionary
Estimated Value: £10.00
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The Great Island

Madagascar: Past and Present

First Edition
The Livingstone Press (LMS) (1937).
Softcover Book

The opening chapters of this book gives a general overview and brief history of Madagascar. For the most part it focuses on the Church in Madagascar, and in particular the activities of LMS missionaries.

Text from the Front Flap

The Great Island by H. A. Ridgwell: A vividly written story of the L.M.S. in Madagascar by a prominent missionary. Madagascar, land of persecution, provides perhaps the greatest triumphs for the Christian Church in the history of modern missions.

List of Illustrations from Page 6

  • A Typical Old Malagasy Wearing the Lamba (Frontispiece)
  • Tananarive: A City Set on a Hill
  • A Forest Village: One-Roomed Huts of Split Bamboo
  • Ranavalona I: The Persecuting Queen
  • Centenary Picture Produced for the 1920 Celebrations of the Beginning of Missions in Madagascar
  • A Forest Chief – in Coat of Native Woven Bark Cloth
  • A Mission Teacher and his Family
  • Map of Madagascar (Endpaper)


  • Contents
  • List of Illustrations
  • Chapter I: The People and their Story
  • Chapter II: Surprises and Contrasts
  • Chapter III: The City of a Thousand
  • Chapter IV: The Epic Story of the Church Retold
    • (a) Sunrise
    • (b) Storm Clouds
    • (c) A New Day Breaks
    • (d) Noontide
  • Chapter V: A Glimpse at the Protestant Church To-day
  • Chapter VI: The Five Fields of the L.M.S.
    • I. Imerina
    • II. Betsileo
    • III. Antsihanaka
    • IV. Marofotsy
    • V. Mandritsara
  • A Few Statistics
    • General
    • Missionary
  • Map of Madagascar


  • Original price: 1/- (1 Shilling)
  • Printed by Ebenezer Baylis and Son, Ltd, The Trinity Press, Great Britain.

Condition of Item

Very Good. Spine slightly faded.

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