Faune de Madagascar
57: Insectes Coléoptères, Cetoniidae Euchroeina: I. Systématique, II. Biologie et formes larvaires
[Fauna of Madagascar: 57: Coleopteran Insects, Cetoniidae Euchroeina: I. Taxonomy, II. Larval biology and forms]
ORSTOM / CNRS (1982).
Softcover Journal
This issue, number 57 from the series "Faune de Madagascar", covers Malagasy beetles of the genus Euchroea. It includes two colour plates, 75 black-and-white figures, and two tables.
- I. Systématique [Taxonomy]
- Introduction
- Euchroeina
- Chorologie [Distribution]
- Problèmes de Nomenclature [Nomenclature Difficulties]
- Clef d'Espèces d'Euchroea [Key to Species Euchroea]
- Conventions
- 1. Euchroea nigrostellata
- 2. Euchroea auripimenta
- 3. Euchroea spininasuta
- 4. Euchroea histrionica
- 5. Euchroea episcopalis
- 6. Euchroea oberthurii
- Euchroea oberthurii forme benezechi
- 7. Euchroea aurostellata
- 8. Euchroea multiguttata
- 9. Euchroea flavoguttata
- 10. Euchroea vadoni
- 11. Euchroea aurora
- 12. Euchroea desmarest
- 13. Euchroea viossati
- 14. Euchroea parceguttata
- 15. Euchroea nigra
- 16. Euchroea abdominalis
- 16a. Euchroea abdominalis abdominalis
- 16b. Euchroea abdominalis freudei
- 17. Euchroea clementi
- Euchroea oberthurii forme riphaeus
- 18. Euchroea coelestis
- 18a. Euchroea coelestis coelestis
- 18b. Euchroea coelestis peyrierasi
- 19. Euchroea urania
- Bibliographie [References]
- II. Biologie et Formes Larvaires [Larval Biology and Forms]
- Biologie [Biology]
- Caractères Larvaires du Genre Euchroea [Larval Characters of the Genus Euchroea]
- Larves d'Euchroea vadoni [Larvae of Euchroea vadoni]
- Larves d'Euchroea clementi forme riphaeus [Larvae of Euchroea clementi forme riphaeus]
- Larves d'Euchroea flavoguttata [Larvae of Euchroea flavoguttata ]
- Larves d'Euchroea nigra [Larvae of Euchroea nigra ]
- Index alphabetique [Alphabetical index]
- Printed on 26 February 1982 by Parchemins du Midi, Toulouse, France.
Condition of Item
Very Good.
Refer to the glossary for definitions of terms used to describe the condition of items.