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Survival and Growth of Seedlings of 19 Native Tree and Shrub Species Planted in Degraded Forest as Part of a Forest Restoration Project in Madagascar's Highlands
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Authors: Chris Birkinshaw and Mamisoa Andrianjafy.
Online ISSN: 1662-2510
Languages: English and French
No. of Pages: 4
Dimensions: 210mm x 297mm x 1mm

Item Identification Code (UID#): 1605
Shelving Location: Papers & Articles: Natural History: Flora
Estimated Value: £0.50
Purchase Date: 8 February 2010
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Survival and Growth of Seedlings of 19 Native Tree and Shrub Species Planted in Degraded Forest as Part of a Forest Restoration Project in Madagascar's Highlands

Madagascar Conservation & Development, vol 4, no 2: pp. 128-131.
Madagascar Wildlife Conservation (2009).
Stapled Printout

Abstract (English)

Percentage survival and mean percentage change in height were compared for 19 native tree and shrub species planted at Ankafobe Forest, a degraded fragment of highland forest, at ten months after planting. The species varied considerably in both, survival and growth. Best performers included Macaranga alnifolia (Euphorbiaceae), Harungana madagascariensis (Clusiaceae), Filicium decipiens (Sapindaceae) and Dodonaea madagascariensis (Sapindaceae). A comparison of survival between relatively short seedlings compared to relatively tall seedlings revealed no significant difference. This information will be used to increase the efficiency of forest restoration at this site.

Abstract (French)

Les projets de restauration forestière avec des espèces autochtones se rencontrent dans plusieurs sites à Madagascar. Cependant, il n'y a pas assez d'échange d'informations entre ces projets. Ces échanges sont pourtant importants car ils peuvent améliorer les méthodologies utilisées. Dans cet article les pourcentages de survie et les pourcentages moyens de croissance ont été comparés pour les 19 espèces d'arbres et d'arbustes autochtones plantées dans la Forêt d'Ankafobe, un bloc de forêt dégradée des hautes terres, à 10 mois après la mise en terre. Les plantules ont été produites localement à partir des graines collectées dans la Forêt d'Ankafobe. Le comportement des espèces varie considérablement en termes de survie et de croissance. Les espèces au meilleur comportement par rapport à ces deux variables comprennent Macaranga alnifolia, Harungana madagascariensis, Filicium decipiens et Dodonaea madagascariensis. Un fort taux de mortalité et une croissance lente ont été enregistrés pour Ixora sp., Trema orientalis et Elaeocarpus hildebrandtii. La comparaison de la survie entre les plantules relativement petites et les plantules relativement grandes de toutes les espèces confondues n'a révélé aucune différence significative. Cette information sera utilisée pour améliorer la réussite de la restauration de la forêt dans ce site. Néanmoins, une période de suivi plus long est important, tout comme l'identification des espèces propices à la restauration, c'est-à-dire celles qui peuvent améliorer la qualité du sol, créer de l'ombrage ou attirer les agents disséminateurs de graines.


The historic and on-going loss of Madagascar's forest cover is well known (e.g. Sussman et al. 1994, Steininger and Harper 2003, Consiglio et al. 2006, Harper et al. 2008). It is possible to reduce or even reverse this trend by conserving the remaining native forest and restoring forest in areas where it has been lost. Active restoration of Madagascar's native forest is being practiced with increasing frequency as a means of improving connectivity between forest fragments, increasing the forest area, and increasing the area: perimeter-ratio of forest blocks (pers. obs.). In addition to the large scale and well known restoration projects such as the Ankeniheny-Mantadia-Zahamena Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration Corridor Carbon Project; the Fandriana-Marolambo Forest Landscape Restoration Project, and the restoration associated with QMM's mining activities; many existing protected areas (e.g. Réserve Naturelle Intégrale Betampona, Parc National (PN) Ranomafana, PN Masoala) and proposed protected areas (e.g. Ambalabe, Analalava, Mahabo, Sahamalaza, Tampina and Tampolo, (Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Collaborative Research Support Program 2005, Birkinshaw et al. 2009) include more modest restoration or at least reforestation using native species activities around their fringes. The production and plantation of the young plants used by these projects requires significant investment yet there is little exchange of knowledge among the diverse practitioners in different parts of the country that could help improve methodologies employed and their resultant impact (but see Holloway (2000) and Pareliussen et al. (2006)). Here we report on the comparative survival rate of several native tree and shrub species used in a forest restoration project in Madagascar's highlands. The results are also used to compare the survival of relatively short seedlings compared to relatively tall seedlings for all species combined, to test the importance of seedling size in restoration projects.

Keywords (English)

Humid forest; restoration; seedling survival; seedling growth

Keywords (French)

Forêt humide; restauration; survie des plantules; croissance des plantules

Condition of Item

Very good.

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