Front Cover
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Authors: Henry T. Wright, David Hurvitz, Manassé Esoavelomandroso, Fulgence Fanony, and Jacques Lombard. |
Editors: Conrad Phillip Kottak, Jean-Aime Rakotoarisoa, Aidan Southall, and Pierre Vérin. |
Additional Contributors: Gillian Feeley-Harnik, Gerald M. Berg, Hélène Ratrimoharinosy, Maurice Bloch, Janine Razafindratovo-Ramamonjisoa, Narivelo Rajoanarimanana, Richard Huntington, Karl Eggert, William J. G. Gardenier, and B. F. Baré. |
ISBN-10: 0-89089-252-0 (0890892520) |
ISBN-13: 978-0-89089-252-7 (9780890892527) |
Language: English |
No. of Pages: vi + 443 |
Dimensions: 162mm x 237mm x 35mm |
Item Identification Code (UID#): 1878 |
Shelving Location: Ethnography & Ethnology |
Estimated Value: £12.00 |
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Society and History
Carolina Academic Press / Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (1986).
Hardcover Book with Dust Jacket
Text from the Front Flap
Most of the papers in this volume were originally prepared for the Burg Wartenstein Symposium No. 83, Human Adjustment in Time and Space in Madagascar, supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Malagasy, French, British and American scholars give accounts of archeology, ecology, history, ethnicity, kingship, ritual and social change in Madagascar.
- Contents
- Introduction (Conrad Phillip Kottak)
- Abstracts
- PART I. History, Adaptation, and the State
- Origines malgaches: histoire culturelle et archéologie de Madagascar, mise au point et commentaire (Pierre Vérin)
- Early Communities on the Island of Maore and the Coasts of Madagascar (Henry T. Wright)
- Principaux aspects des formes d'adaptation de la société traditionelle Malgache (J. A. Rakotoarisoa)
- The "Anjoaty" and Embouchures in Madagascar (David Hurvitz)
- Milieu naturel et peuplement de l'Androy (Manassé Esoavelomandroso)
- A propos des Mikea (Fulgence Fanony)
- Le temps et l'espace dans l'idéologie politique de la Royauté Sakalava-menabe (Jacques Lombard)
- Ritual and Work in Madagascar (Gillian Feeley-Harnik)
- Royal Authority and the Protector System in Nineteenth-Century Imerina (Gerald M. Berg)
- La Société Malgache vers 1800 (Hélène Ratrimoharinosy)
- PART II. Varieties of Kinship and Social Organization
- Hierarchy and Equality in Merina Kinship (Maurice Bloch)
- Ilafy: terre et parenté (Janine Razafindratovo-Ramamonjisoa)
- Quelques traits de ]'organisation sociale des Betsileo du Manandriana (Narivelo Rajaonarimanana)
- Faliarivo and the Model of Malagasy Kinship (Aidan Southall)
- Kinship Modeling: Adaptation, Fosterage, and Fictive Kinship among the Betsileo (Conrad Phillip Kottak)
- The Transformation of the Bara Rural Economy (Richard Huntington)
- Mahafaly as Misnomer (Karl Eggert)
- Divination and Kinship among the Sakalava of West Madagascar (William J. G. Gardenier)
- L'Organisation sociale Sakalava du Nord: une récapitulation (J. F. Baré)
- Funerals and Social Change in Mayotte (Michael Lambek and Jon H. Breslar)
- Common Themes in Malagasy Culture (Aidan Southall)
- Bibliography
- Index
Condition of Item
Very Good. No dust jacket.
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