Plantes Médicinales Malgaches
Traduction français de Ravi-Maitso
[Malagasy Medicinal Plants: French translation of Ravi-Maitso]
Imprimerie Saint Paul, Fianarantsoa (c.1986).
Softcover Book
A large collection of natural Malagasy remedies arranged alphabetically by illness. A few of the medicinal plants are illustrated in black and white.
- Préface [Preface]
- Résume des Sigles [Abbreviations]
- Acné [Acne]
- Albumine [Albumin]
- Anémie [Anaemia]
- Bêtes [Animals]
- Bilharziose [Bilharzia]
- Bilieuse [Irritability]
- Blennorragie [Gonorrhoea]
- Bouche [Mouth]
- Brûlures [Burns]
- Calcul Rénal [Kidney Stone]
- Calmant = Insomnie [Sedative – Insomnia]
- Calvitie [Baldness]
- Cancer [Cancer]
- Cicatrisant [Scarring]
- Contre-Poison [Poison Antidote]
- Coqueluche [Whooping Cough]
- Coupures [Cuts]
- Crampes = Fatigue Musculaire [Cramps – Muscle Fatigue]
- Dartre au Visage [Dry Facial Skin]
- Démangeaisons [Itching]
- Dents [Teeth]
- Dépuratif, Laxatif [Purgative Medicine, Laxatives]
- Désodorisant [Deodorant]
- Diabète [Diabetes]
- Diphtérie [Diphteria]
- Diurétique [Diuretics]
- Écharde [Splinters]
- Éléphantiasisme [Elephantitis]
- Entorse [Sprain]
- Epilepsie [Epilepsy]
- Epistaxis [Nosebleed]
- Escarres [Burn Scab]
- Etourdissement, Evanouissement, Perte de Connaissance [Light-headedness, Blackout, Loss of Consciousness]
- Fatigue [Tiredness]
- Femme [Women]
- Fièvre [Fever]
- Fièvre Typhoïde [Typhoid Fever]
- Foie [Liver]
- Folie Passagère dûe à la Puberté [Temporary Irrationality resulting from Puberty]
- Furoncle ou Abcès [Boil or Abscess]
- Gale [Scabies]
- Goitre [Goitre]
- Gorge = Inflammation [Throat – Inflammation]
- Hémorroïdes [haemorrhoids]
- Ictère Viral [Viral Jaundice]
- Impuissance [Impotence]
- Intoxication par Bains dans une Eau Empoisonnée [Intoxication by Bathing in Poisoned Water]
- Ivresse [Drunkenness]
- Jaunisse [Jaundice]
- Lèpre [Leprosy]
- Mal de Tête [Headache]
- Mal de Voyage [Travel Sickness]
- Œil [Eye]
- Oreilles Purulentes [Ear Infections]
- Parasites [Parasites]
- Peau surtout Tache Noir [Black Spots on the Skin]
- Pédiatre [Paediatrics]
- Pellicule [Dandruff]
- Peste [Plague]
- Philtre d'Amour [Love Potion]
- Pieds qui se Crevassent [Cracked Feet]
- Piqûres d'Insectes [Insect Bites]
- Plaies [Sores]
- Pneumonie [Pneumonia]
- Prostate [Prostate]
- Purgatif [Purgative]
- Rhumatisme [Rheumatism]
- Rhume de Cerveau [Head Cold]
- Rougeole [Measles]
- Syphilis [Syphilis]
- Tension [Blood Pressure]
- Tétanos [Tetanus/Lockjaw]
- Toux [Cough]
- Tremblement = Maladie de Parkinson [Trembling – Parkinson's Disease]
- Ulcère d'Estomac et Mal d'Estomac [Stomach Ulcer and Stomach Ache]
- Varices [Varicose Veins]
- Ventre [Stomach]
- Vérole [Pox]
- Vers Intestinaux: Ascaris, Oxyures [Intestinal Worms: Roundworm, Oxyuris Worms]
- Ver Solitaire: Tenia [Solitary Tapeworm]
- Verrue [Wart]
- Vertige [Vertigo]
- Vitiligo [Loss of Skin Pigmentation]
- Vomitif [Emetic]
- Les Plantes Antibiotiques et Dépuratives [Antibiotic and Purgative Plants]
- Les Vertus de la Papaye [The Virtues of the Papaya]
- Explication de certains mots et traduction des plantes [Explanation of certain words and translation of plants]
- Traduction des maladies [Translation of illnesses]
- Diagnostic sommaire des principales maladies [Summary of diagnoses for main illnesses]
- Tables des matières [Contents]
- Illustrations des plantes [Plant illustrations]
Condition of Item
Very Good.
Refer to the glossary for definitions of terms used to describe the condition of items.