Guide: Diégo-Suarez
Cap Sur le Nord de Madagascar
[Diego Suarez: Cape at the North of Madagascar]
Carambole Édition (2001).
Softcover Book
- Préambule [Preamble]
- Sommaire [Summary]
- Diégo en bref [Diego in brief]
- Éthique du voyageur et de l'Écotourisme [Code of Conduct for travellers and Ecotourists]
- Localisation [Location]
- Histoire [History]
- Les grandes dates de Diégo [Major historical dates for Diego]
- Vie économique, Climat et Saisons [Economy, weather, and seasons]
- Diégo à découvrir [Discover Diego]
- Usage, culture et traditions [Customs, culture and traditions]
- Flânerie [Ambling About]
- Mers et Baies [Seas and Bays]
- Rural et Nature [Countryside and Nature]
- La Côte des îles vierges [The Coast of virgin islands]
- Endémicité et singularité [Endemicity and uniqueness]
- Le Triangle Vert [The Green Triangle]
- Diégo pratique [Diego Information]
- Cuisine [Food]
- Artisanat-Musique [Crafts and Music]
- Shopping et sorties [Shopping and outings]
- Hôtels et Restaurants [Hotels and Restaurants]
- Loisirs et Sports [Leisure and Sport]
- Sur les traces du naturaliste [On the naturalist's trail]
- Carnet de voyage [Travel notes]
- Bibliographie, Vidéo, CD-Rom, Web [Bibliography, Videos, CD-Roms, Internet]
- Dictionnaire usuel [Dictionary of basic words]
- Opérateurs touristiques agréés [Accredited tour agencies]
- Cartes [Maps]
- Diégo pratique [Diego Information; additional sheet tipped-in]
- An incorrect ISBN (2-9515764-0-4) is printed on the back cover of this book. This ISBN is actually assigned to the third edition of "Madagascar: Le Guide" by Vincent Verra issued by the same publisher in 2001. The correct ISBN for "Diégo-Suarez: Cap Sur le Nord de Madagascar" is 2-9515764-1-2.
Condition of Item
Refer to the glossary for definitions of terms used to describe the condition of items.