GEO: Un nouveau monde: la Terre
No. 249, Novembre 1999
[GEO: A new world: the Earth: No. 249, November 1999]
Prisma Presse (1989).
Softcover Journal
The cover feature of this issue of the French edition of GEO magazine is an article about Madagascar. This in-depth 37-page feature is entitled "Madagascar: La grande émotion" ["Madagascar: The great emotion"] and is divided into eight sections written by four different authors and assembled by Jean-Luc Coatalem. The report is illustrated with 49 colour photographs by Pascal Maitre and a large fold-out map of Madagascar by Léonie Schlosser.
Article Summary from Page 4
Madagascar: Au Carrefour de l'Afrique et de l'Asie, l'île-continent multiplie les surprises: nature grandiose, métissage des peuples, rites complexes où la vie côtoie la mort. Du bush à la mangrove, des déserts aux rizières, cette mosaïque de paysages est un sanctuaire pour la faune et la flore... Sur ces milliers de kilomètres de pistes rouges, l'aventure est toujours possible. Chaque rencontre y donne le frisson.
Article Summary from Page 4 (English Translation)
Madagascar: At the junction of Africa and Asia, this island continent holds many surprises: awe-inspiring nature, people of mixed races, complex rituals where the life rubs shoulders with death. From the bush to the mangrove, from deserts to rice paddies, this mosaic of landscapes is a sanctuary for flora and fauna... On these thousands of kilometres of red of tracks, adventure is always possible. Each encounter causes a tingle.
Article Summary from Page 92
Jamais la Grande Île n'a attire autant les voyageurs. Une nature luxuriante, une faune rare, des traditions métissées... A mi-chemin de l'Afrique et de l'Asie, c'est un continent intact, sillonné de pistes rouges. Un pays pour retrouver le goût de l'aventure.
Article Summary from Page 92 (English Translation)
Never has the Great Island attracted so many tourists. A luxuriant nature, a rare fauna, mixed traditions... Midway between Africa and Asia, it is an intact continent, criss-crossed by red tracks. A country to discover the taste of adventure.
- Panorama: Mangroves, bush ou hauts plateaux, tout la diversité malgache.
[Panorama: Mangroves, bush or highlands, all the Malagasy diversity.]
- Géographie: Cette île est un continent. Flore et faune y sont exceptionnelles.
[Geography: This island is a continent. The flora and fauna is exceptional there.]
- Peuples: Marquée par l'Asie et l'Afrique, un nation riche de dix-huit ethnies.
[People: With characteristics of Asia and Africa, a rich nation of eighteen ethnic groups.]
- Dépliant: Visite de l'arboretum de Hermann Petignat, dans le Grand Sud.
[Fold-Out: Visit to Hermann Petignat's arboretum in the Great South.]
- Aventures: Au nord de l'île, pirates et esclaves établirent une république idéale.
[Adventures: In the north of the island pirates and slaves established an ideal republic.]
- Récit de Voyage: Six cents kilomètres dans le Sud malgache.
[Account of a Journey: Six hundred kilometres in the Malagasy South.]
- Rites: Pour les Malgaches, le culte des morts fonde la communauté.
[Customs: For the Malagasy, the worship of the dead is the basis of the community.]
- Guide: Les conseils pratiques des journalistes de GEO.
[Guide: The practical advice of the GEO journalists.]
Condition of Item
Very Good. Small tear to spine.
Refer to the glossary for definitions of terms used to describe the condition of items.